Brother — Kyoudai
This is a story which symbolizes the bond of brotherhood and how if we work together and respect one another as brothers we can block out the noise and all achieve the wealth we have only ever dreamed of.
Tatsu & Hitoshi —

“Maybe I dreamed it because you saw it” he adds.
“Dreams don’t work like that,” says Tatsu. He reaches for the silver and gold. “All this stuff looks real enough, even though it’s a couple hundred years old.”
It’s time we came together as brothers in this bear market. We will all want to win in this space and it’s not possible if we don’t work together. We are not just an association of people who share common crypto interests. We are all brothers trying to make it in this world. We have jobs, families, we have wants and desires and we sure as hell all struggle. It’s time we lift each other up. Come together as Kyoudai to create a token, a community, a movement unlike anything people have seen. Share this story with your brothers. Kyoudai is here to end the suffering by bringing us all together not splitting us apart.

We’ve built something that will help communities prosper like never before. Show us you push as a community, and we will show you something that could change everyone’s lives.
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